Since it has been so long since my last post, I will spare you all the day by day recap (I think). Oh and Happy Holidays everyone! I hope you are having a wonderful time with your families and friends and eating loads and working none!
So my friends Susette and Lars and I decided that we shouldn't tell anyone about the Gilis so it stays just like it is. I'm totally breaking the pact. Keep it on the DL will you?
First stop was Gili Trawangan. Trawangan is known as the party island of the three and it definitely has the best nightlife. I had met Lars and Susette (they are from Germany) and Bags from Oz on the ferry over. They became my Gilis posse. It was great fun! So the Gilis are three small (you can walk around Trawangan, the biggest one, in less than 2 hours) islands off the coast of Lombok which is the next island to the East of Bali. The islands are completely free of the rains that plague the other islands during the rainy season (now) and are blessed with clear blue water, white sand beaches, and abundant marine life. Everything revolves around the beach and the hotels and restaurants have absolutely everything you could want- cold drinks, snacks, exposed chairs on the sand, covered chairs on the sand, covered platforms with pillows to sit on while looking out at the beach and enjoying your snacks and/or drinks. Nothing is rushed. You can order one soft drink and sit there for four hours reading, lounging, and enjoying the scenery and no one bothers you or pressures you into ordering more. Susettte, Lars, Bags and I stayed at Edy's homestay which is behind the main strip of beach bars and hotels. This was perfect because we were right in the middle of the action in a 5 minute walk, but far enough away to not be kept awake all night by the DJs when we were done for the evening. Oh and there are no motorized vehicles on the Gili Islands. Just horse carts, bikes, or walking. No dogs either which was a change from Bali. Loads of cats though and none had a full tail- we never did figure that one out. Every night one of the bars on the beach hosts the "party" where everyone who is out for a big night goes. Our favorite of the bars was Rudy's as the local guys who work there are hysterical. So we had to hit up Rudy's Friday night party our second night. The days were spent relaxing on or near the beach. I did a dive one morning and the highlights were seeing a turtle as we entered and then a large (about 1.5 meter) white fin shark while down there. Definitely the biggest one I've ever seen while diving! One day Lars, Susette and I did an all day snorkeling trip around all three islands in a glass bottom boat. Not a bad way to spend the day! I planned to spend 4 nights doing 2 islands and 5 nights later I was still on Trawangan! It is just how things go on the Gilis. They also had movie bungalows where you can watch DVDs as long as you order food or drink. Every night they project 2 movies on the screen and have mats and pillows to lounge on as you watch. Since copyright laws do not apply, I saw Twilight and Changeling while I was there :).
After 4 nights on Trawangan, I did a day trip to Gili Meno, the smallest and quietest island with the best beaches (the islands are each about a 20 minute boat ride away from one another so island hopping is super easy). There I went to the Bird Park and saw many birds from all over Indonesia and beyond. They also had a kimodo dragon which was good for me since I am not going to make it to Kimodo (4 days one way). I met a great Irish couple in Meno and they were my crew on Gili Air (the third island where I spent my last 3 nights) until Susette and Lars came the day after I did. Gili Air is a nice medium between the party scene and crowd at Trawangan and the complete chill of Meno. We spent more beach time and dropped by the island's Christmas party on the 24th. Lars and Susette opted to stay as far from civilization (the main strip) as possible but their bungalow was in the perfect place for the sunset to make us a private show for my last night on the islands. It was amazing (and of course I took like 40 pics)! I had my own little bungalow on Air with a hammock on the deck for afternoon reading. Loved it! I'm not usually a lie around and veg for a week type of person, but it was terrific to do it in the Gilis (and I walked around all 3 islands, swam a bunch, and did the hike over the hill on Trawangan to the Sunset bar- which is only open for 2 hours everyday at sunset- thanks, I feel less lazy now).
It was sad to leave Susette and Lars (Bags had gone a few days before), but we're meeting back up there in 5 years (right Susette??).
So, after the Gilis I spent 2 very long days (and one long night) traveling from Lombok to Bali to Java. This took me on a little boat, shuttle bus, big ferry, another shuttle, airplane, night bus, and a train. And now I am in Java. It definitely feels different here! Must less touristy! And very few people speak English. I was lucky to find a room here in Yogyagkarta (pronounced Jogjakarta) as New Year is a big holiday here too. All rooms are marked up and most places are full. So far I like the town though! Tomorrow I'm going to explore the old temples and parks here in town and Tuesday I head to Borobodur which is often mentioned in the same breath as Angkor Wat as far as old temple ruins go. Should be fun! I think I will stay here until New Years.
Hope you all have a wonderful New Years Eve!! Tell me all about it! Miss you!!
Oh and the pic is from Gili Trawangan. I took it when I looked up from my book and realized that I was sitting in a Corona ad. It doesn't get much better than that!
Merry Xmas Stacy!
The only thing missing from that palm tree pic are the Xmas lights. Sounds like a great way to spend the holidays though. Tail-less cats...we wondered about those all through China and S.E.Asia and were told they're born that way. I doubt it. I believe more in their superstitious behavior and that cat-tail soup must be a popular entre (I dunno). Have a great New Year! Be safe.
- Matty (we'll be in New Hampshire)
Happy New Year Stacy!
I love reading about your awesome adventures & looking thru your terrific pics. I did notice that the one from Gili Trawangar looked familiar & wondered why it made me want a beer!!
We've had a good holiday season especially having Sara & Alex both home. Maybe next year we'll be back @ Keystone. Sara's back at F&M for bball but we'll see her this weekend for a tournament.
Sis, Peter & Jesse have been in Israel & are due home 1/4. I spoke to them yesterday & they haven't been too much affected by the unfortunate events there. "Imagine all the world living life in peace..."
Anyway, I love you & miss you and look forward to more blogs.
Stay safe.
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